Friday 4 August 2017


by Judith Offer

The Professor said that the Judge said that his donger
Was longer than Silver’s. Horrified, mortified,
We tried to get our televisions and radios
To go away, stop following us around all day.
But they stayed tuned without remorse,
So in due course, we had to witness the man’s defense:
“It makes no sense to listen to her,” he said.
“I didn’t. Instead, think of her sex. Maybe she’s
A wanabee Judge’s girl, mad for love of me, an African-
American who is well-affirmed. You whites, pinks, and greys
Should stay away from the darker questions;
That’s my suggestion. Your skin isn’t fit to judge.”
He wouldn’t budge. It wasn’t his style. (Or hers.)
Senators (left and right) sweated, squirmed,
And yearned to be away from the media’s gaze,
Eighteen hour days, ambitious women, nasty reporters
And assorted spinning orators. Finally, they voted to vote.
Their ignorance noted, they decided to promise
Mr. Thomas a lifetime of Justice. Professor Anita,
Having retreated a thoroughly-Hilled Hill,
Still measures law at the head of her class.
Last and least, We the People of the Land of the Free
Wait to see what justice will fit
In a court where sits a man whose donger
(Pinocchio-like) gets longer and longer and longer.

* * * * *

"Professor Anita Hill, Judge Clarence Thomas, The Senators, and Us" is from the collection Judith Offer's collection THERE IS THERE IS THERE.

Judith Offer has had two daughters, five books of poetry and dozens of plays. (Eighteen of the latter, including six musicals, have been produced.)  She has read her poetry at scores of poetry venues, but is particularly delighted to have been included in the Library of Congress series and on “All Things Considered,” on NPR.  Her writing reflects her childhood in a large Catholic family—with some Jewish roots—her experience as teacher, community organizer, musician, historian, gardener, and all-purpose volunteer, and her special fascination with her roles of wife and mother.  Her most recent book of poetry, called DOUBLE CROSSING, is poems about Oakland, California, where she lives with her husband, Stuart.

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